Monday, September 9, 2013

Where is Normal?

In the whole
I don't know
Where is the place to go?
I am still swallowing shit
And my nerves are shot
And this is so hard to write
I am fearing mania tonight
Nothing moves but me
And hyper tension is mandatory
To get things done
But I don't like the feeling
My nerves are shot and taunting me
And there is no way out
To any feelings
The fear alone is daunting 
And I can't produce relaxation
In my body
So I walk
And I get happy
That blows into hyper activity
But I know it is right
The freaky feelings
But I want them to stop
Need a trip to the psychiatrist
Two days wait
I can not wait
For a drug to work its self in my body
To calm my nerves and fear
I need something
What I have isn't enough
To get rid of my feelings
I am no longer the same
So different
And so far away from everybody
They say, "tone it down,"
But i don't have control to my body
Or my feelings
That rise up madness 
I am intertwined by madness
That will not help me
To go to where I am to go
And I just don't know
When I will start falling
Help is on it's way though
I just have to wait patiently
For a normal feeling

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